Control4 Connect provides access to the latest security updates, software revisions, and integrations, so your system will be constantly improving as technology, and your preferences, change.
As of April 23, 2024 all new systems installed in the United States will require Control4 Connect. It is also required for add-on features like Control4 Assist and Control4 Assist Premium. Depending on the hardware in your system, Control4 Connect will range from $0-$249/yr, and will be paid directly through the Control4 App. Control4 Connect replaces 4Sight for new systems, so users will pay for one or the other, not both. Control4 Connect includes the following features:
Cost for Control4 Connect varies based on the hardware in your system. If your system only has a CA-1 controller Control4 Connect cost $0/yr. If your only controller is a Core Lite Controller the cost is $99/yr. Any other controllers will cost $249/yr for Control4 Connect.
4Sight continues to be available for customers with systems installed prior to April 23, 2024. For any systems installed after April 23, 2024, Connect is the required software service that replaces 4Sight. This means: